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JimCarrey.com Questions

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JimCarrey.com Questions

Postby chips and dip » Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:35 am

Does the tunnel of inspirational words ever end?

Is it possible to kill the tweet bird on the home page?

Is Jim doing an impersonation of his brother on the origins page or is that really his brother's voice?

Has anyone else seen the snail thing? I just saw it. It's hilarious. :lol: I'm guessing that's Jane as the grass hopper/cricket?
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Re: JimCarrey.com Questions

Postby EvaAraujo » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:43 pm

The tunnel is in loop. I haven't took the time to check it out but probably it has a lot of words and then start all over again... we just don't stare at it 4 that long... Lol

No, the twitter bird (I personally I call him tweety. Lol) can«t be killed on the homepage. At least not yet. ^^

That is actually his brother who left a message in his answering machine.

Yup, I have seen it. It's really Jane and it's amasing... I wanna put it as my ringtone. So cool!
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