Hey JT, remember a job is not always a career but a means to survive. Otherwise it would be spelled f-u-n instead of j-o-b. I've worked retail all my life and can tell you people suck. They treat you like second rate citizens, like you are their personal servant and mystic in which you can read their minds and make everything instantly appear at half price. But also take in stride for every a-hole there are some really great people who can counter-balance them. Also, never take anything personal, laugh at them internally for being so insecure they have to take their crap out on you and it will help you get through the day easier. The percs of your job is that you get to talk to celebrities, I get crack heads and drunks at the rate of 3 per hour. Not nearly as exciting!

Just do your job well, don't get caught in employee self-inflicted dramas and remember it is just a blip in the timeline of your career goal. Watching people is the ultimate acting tool, you now have a parade of people in which to draw from!