Every single day someone famous dies. Heath Ledger and Philip Seymour Hoffman were the ones that actually touched me in a way. Today I feel something beyond that. For the first time. Robin Williams. Damn. Deep sadness.
Maybe it's the fact Robin Williams was a huge part of my childhood. Discovered him in HOOK, still one of my favorite family-movies. Laughed my ass off with MRS. DOUBTFIRE and JUMANJI was one of the first movies I was aloud to see on my own with friends, without parents. He was my first great example, before I even knew who Jim Carrey was.
When I was older I discovered the many modern classics he co-created by delivering time after time. Either being funny or serious. He was a solid performer, a unique one, even when the movie itself wasn't all that great. And while the critics already said "He's over, he's done" about 12 years ago, he amazed friends and enemies with those dark roles in INSOMNIA and ONE HOUR PHOTO. Amazing.
When it comes to voice-acting, Jim Carrey (Horton) and Eddie Murphy (Shrek) came close ... but ... his Genie in ALADDIN is beyond comparison. Nothing beats that.
The Genie is released from his lamp. He was one of my heroes. Rest in peace.