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RIP Robin Williams

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RIP Robin Williams

Postby grinchy steve » Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:40 pm


Every single day someone famous dies. Heath Ledger and Philip Seymour Hoffman were the ones that actually touched me in a way. Today I feel something beyond that. For the first time. Robin Williams. Damn. Deep sadness.

Maybe it's the fact Robin Williams was a huge part of my childhood. Discovered him in HOOK, still one of my favorite family-movies. Laughed my ass off with MRS. DOUBTFIRE and JUMANJI was one of the first movies I was aloud to see on my own with friends, without parents. He was my first great example, before I even knew who Jim Carrey was.

When I was older I discovered the many modern classics he co-created by delivering time after time. Either being funny or serious. He was a solid performer, a unique one, even when the movie itself wasn't all that great. And while the critics already said "He's over, he's done" about 12 years ago, he amazed friends and enemies with those dark roles in INSOMNIA and ONE HOUR PHOTO. Amazing.

When it comes to voice-acting, Jim Carrey (Horton) and Eddie Murphy (Shrek) came close ... but ... his Genie in ALADDIN is beyond comparison. Nothing beats that.

The Genie is released from his lamp. He was one of my heroes. Rest in peace.
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Re: RIP Robin Williams

Postby EvaAraujo » Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:41 am

I was so shocked when I heard.
I was just getting ready to go to bed.

I've been thinking a lot about him.
When I'm in my computer I also like to have some kind of background music.
For many times I put on his stand up specials...
Oh so many great performances whether on stage, set or studio.

What a lost.
I wanna cry but every time I think of him I smile. Can't help it.
Another star in the sky tonight. :( :cry:

I wish again... there was something we could do.
I wish we knew his state sooner so all the people who love him could help.

Suicide shouldn't be an option.

And fans should be a last resort.
Give us a chance to help when you have helped us so much.
Give us a change to at least try and pay back the smiles, laughter and entertainment as you have done for us.
Please... :|
I'm a guardian of the spark...
I'm a God damn and proud good fan... and I love it! = )>
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Re: RIP Robin Williams

Postby fluffy » Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:30 pm

Tragic beyond belief.........my heart goes out to his family and friends and all those he touched with his talents..... :(
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Re: RIP Robin Williams

Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:53 pm

Absolutely tragic.
It can hit anyone anytime
Usually it's not just one thing that triggers
but many things all at once, it's like being trapped
and not knowing how to get out

I wish I had shared this earlier:
When I feel down I listen to this song
It helps adjust my way of thinking as to what's important

http://www.allmusic.com/song/because-he ... 0047396364
This is from the DVD "Chicken soup for the soul" Song is
"Because he lives"

I'm sending prayers and love through the cosmos for an amazing man
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Re: RIP Robin Williams

Postby tlmarvin » Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:36 pm

Saturday, August 16, 2014--1:33 pm CST

Jim Carrey and Robin Williams were friends as well colleagues. Jim is probably as shocked as everyone else. But in a way it surprised me that Jim didn't make a statement or Tweet anything. But he is probably too devastated to say anything. I hope he does someday when he's ready.


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Re: RIP Robin Williams

Postby carreylegend » Sun Aug 24, 2014 11:25 pm

It is well know Jim is a very private person who doesn't paste his whole life and thought process on the world wide web.
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