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Happy SNOW Day

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Happy SNOW Day

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:20 pm

This is our
first major snow and chilll.
All is a belated winter wonderland
In SW Ontario
Looking forward to playing in the snow
With tge grandkids
Snowforts. Snowpeople. Toboganning
Snowshoeing. Snowbaseball. And
A hockey. Hoedown
Were. Chillin!!!!!!#
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Canadian Jayne
Sonic 3
Posts: 8146
Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2004 9:47 pm
Location: somewhereoutthere,Ontario, Canada

Re: Happy SNOW Day

Postby Canadian Jayne » Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:26 am

Not all snowdays in my past were as pleasurable.

I do remember as a separated young mother
of four school age children, living in the country.
I had several part time jobs to sustain us.
Fortunate when support payments were on time,
not so when late.

My meager salary, and support lateness often left
us grasping from month to month.

There were times though that the straw would
break the camels back.

I remember sitting on the new snow bank
crying because the snowplow just shovelled
in the driveway I had just shovelled while I had
gone in to change from my sweat soaked
clothes. Thankfully my children were on the bus
on the way to school as my tears iced the pile.

Thank goodness for my neighbour down
the road who would plow my driveway
when able.

In the winter I pray for those snowplow drivers
who think about quality not quantity, who
are the PR people working for the community.
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Canadian Jayne
Sonic 3
Posts: 8146
Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2004 9:47 pm
Location: somewhereoutthere,Ontario, Canada

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