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Hello...I am (kind of) back!!

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Hello...I am (kind of) back!!

Postby Rosita » Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:22 pm

Hello my dears!!

I know its been ages! I'd love to say I am going to be properly around now, but life keeps getting busier and busier since I moved to London!

I am finally properly working as a teacher, it is really exciting but keeps me SO busy, I don't really have much free time and when I do have it...I mostly want to see my friends and sleep!

I am super excited to say that I am going to...India next academic year, for two weeks and I think it would be awesome if I would be able to meet up with Priya!!! It would be amazing! I still don't know the dates,as I am going with a couple of friends, but I know it is going to be around September/October and that we are going to spend two whole weeks in India, so...we def need to try to catch up! (Priya if you are reading this!!)

I miss you all guys loads, and I am sorry I am so disconnected from here, I do still read the page from time to time but I don't log in, mostly because I forgot my password and my hotmail's password until today :lol:

Anyway...hope everything is great with all of you, I don't know if any of you is in instagram but if you are please let me know your names so I can add you and be able to be in touch easily :)

Miss you LOADS!!

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Re: Hello...I am (kind of) back!!

Postby tlmarvin » Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:02 pm

Saturday, March 28, 2015--6:00 AM cst

I'm Terry. I've been a member of this page for about a year or
so. Have a great day.


Terry Marvin (Dallas, Texas)
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Re: Hello...I am (kind of) back!!

Postby Giulia » Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:19 pm

Hi! I'm giulia and i'm here since january...nice to hear you :D ...if you want to follow me on instagram my name is giuliatripodi2000 :wink: :wink:
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Re: Hello...I am (kind of) back!!

Postby TNPihl » Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:21 pm

Welcome back Rosita :)
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Re: Hello...I am (kind of) back!!

Postby EvaAraujo » Sun Apr 05, 2015 8:17 am

Hi Rosita!
Welcome back!

I understand your feeling. Work does get in the way. Can't wait for Summer!
Good luck to you!

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Re: Hello...I am (kind of) back!!

Postby jimliker » Sun Apr 05, 2015 4:44 pm

Hi Rosita
thats gr8 news!
Plz do let me know the dates so that we can meet up. :)

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Re: Hello...I am (kind of) back!!

Postby Rosita » Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:47 pm

Nice! of course I will let you know for sure Prita!!! :) it would be great to finally meet you! and hello to all of you who I didnt have the chance to talk to yet, nice to meet ya!!
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