Phillip Morris Casting Call
04 Jun 2008 By Nicola West (Editor/Writer (UK))
Urgent call for men to play prisoners on Wednesday, June 4 through Sunday, June 8. In "I Love You Phillip Morris".
Starring Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor you must be able to self drive to Angola Jail LA and be prepared to be on call.
Send 'Coulon Casting' a photo, phone number, age, height, weight, ethnicity and send an e-mail with the details-: "I am available to self drive to Angola, LA on the following dates...(list the dates).
Sunday June the 8th will take the crew to Hunt Prison in St.Gabriel / Gonzales, LA and if you're interested send the above personal details together with a photograph but actors should type the following into an email... Subject Line: "I am available to self drive to HUNT PRISON on Sunday, June 8.

The pay is the usual day rates for extras and Coulon will contact the successful actors the night before with details.
Contact 'Coulon Casting' at [email protected].
Be sure to let us know if you are successful.
-- Source: Coulon Casting. With thanks to Priya B. Click to comment this article.
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