Solid debut for "I Love You Phillip Morris"
06 Dec 2010 By Tommy Pihl (JCO Editor-In-Chief)
Jim Carrey's R-rated movie "I Love You Phillip Morris" opened with a solid debut this weekend. It grossed $112,520 from just 6 theaters (Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco) for a $18,753 average. The comedy starring Jim Carrey, Ewan McGregor and Leslie Mann is released by Roadside Attractions.
The movie has also earned good marks from critics. The online review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes has certified it Fresh with 77% out of 78 reviews.
"I Love You Phillip Morris" will expand throughout December ahead of a January 7, 2011 wide release. Follow its box office status here on Jim Carrey Online, click here.

-- Source: Box Office Mojo. Click to comment this article.
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