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17 Dec 1999    

Did you see Jim Carrey on David Letterman last night? If you didn't, this is what you missed. Read it and weep! ;-)

Report from Nitz - I was in the audience yesterday for The Letterman Show in NY. Dave had Jim on to plug Man on the Moon. I don't know how many people saw this, but They did the interview and right at the end, Dave asks him if he has any big New Years plans. Jim says no not really, but I'll show you all what will happen�so he starts counting down, 10, 9, 8�.the audience is all going along. I start laughing cause who knows what is going to happen.

When they get to the New Year, he starts by pulling confetti out of his pockets and throwing it in the air, then he blows one of those little horns. He then grabbed his coffee mug, and spewed water into the air all over Dave.

He then starts running into the audience and grabs a woman and starts making out with her, then he runs around some more and is high fiving people. He grabs some guy that was placed there, and starts to pretend to make out with him and starts kissing and humping him etc. then goes and jumps on some people. Then he runs out the door into the street and there is a hot dog vendor, he grabs the ketchup and mustard and shoots it all over the vendor (Naked Gun style), then he pushes the guys customer and punches him out and starts a fight. Then he grabs a bottle of champagne and pulls off the cork and shakes it so it explodes all over this crowd of people. Then he runs into the street and gets hit by a cab, falls on the hood, runs ontop of the cab and rips off his shirt, on his chest in black ink in big letters, it says 2000 RULES!, then he turns around, and on his back it says "I'm Cold!". He does some whacky dance and runs back in and does some more crazy antics around Letterman's desk.

You had to see it to appreciate it. It was the funniest 2 minute bit I had ever seen. It was a fucking riot. Jim Carrey is a comic genius, and my hero!!

-- With a very big Spank You to Nitz for sending us this cool report and making us turn green with envy.

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