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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Who is Colonel Stars?
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Who is Colonel Stars?
03 Sep 2012    

By Lucas Allen (Web correspondent)

Many of you (including myself) may not have seen the 2010 surprise hit "Kick-Ass", but are now interested in seeing it once Jim Carrey became involved in the sequel. As previously reported, Carrey was confirmed to star in the upcoming summer 2013 sequel "Kick-Ass 2" by the film�s director Jeff Wadlow via his Twitter page and today by Jim Carrey himself. Carrey will play the role of Colonel Stars alongside returning film stars Aaron Johnson, Chloe-Grace Moretz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, and Nicolas Cage.

If you never read the original comics the films are based on, you might ask yourself, "Who is Colonel Stars?" Here�s some information gathered from various Wiki sites. Colonel Stars first appeared in Issue #1 subtitled 'Taste the Awesome', but then made his final appearance in the second issue subtitled 'Warning: This Book Contains Greatness'.

Jim Carrey

"SPOILER ALERT" - The following description was taken from a Kick-Ass Wiki site:

"Colonel Stars used to work for John Genovese alongside the man who would become Lieutenant Stripes. Both men became born-again Christians before leaving Genovese's employment. Because of this, both survived when Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl took the organization down.

Colonel Stars and Lieutenant Stripes both formed Justice Forever, inviting other superheroes to join. They soon recruited Remembering Tommy, Night Bitch, Insect Man, Battle Guy and later Kick-Ass. Their first mission involved taking down a human trafficking organization.

Colonel Stars shows contradictory elements in appearing to be a hardened tough guy when in reality sometimes appearing to be quite soft. He seems to be a genuine nice person making a difference. He later admits that although he has no problems letting his dog, Sofia, eat a criminal's genitals, the guns he carries are empty and are there purely for intimidation purposes. Colonel Stars was later killed by a group of Supervillains led by Red Mist."

Colonel Stars

Hope the information helps!

-- Source: Kick-Ass Wiki. Click to comment this article.

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