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An Oscar® theory
19 Feb 2000    

Should the Academy be the only one to blame for Jim Carrey's unfair no-nomination this year after his excellent work in "Man on the Moon"? Here's Celebgirl3's very interesting insider analysis of what may have really happened. Read on...

"I'm a big fan of Jim's, but after talking to an Academy member I doubted he was going to be nominated. The reason was simply that Universal did not send out review tapes to all the Academy members. MOTM wasn't in the theaters long enough for all the members to see it even with free screenings/passes. By not sending out tapes or even making them available by request to Academy members Universal gave MOTM no chance of being nominated in any category.

The Academy member I know told me that he truly tries to see all the movies and give them a fair chance. To try and find a theater still playing MOTM in late January (other then in a few major cites that might have had member screenings) is asking a lot when there are already one or two tapes in the mailbox almost every day. I did suggest he vote for Jim but since he hadn't seen the movie this wouldn't have been right. This member has been in a film with Jim and is a fan of his, but knows it would be wrong to vote for something he hasn't seen. I suspect that Jim would have to agree with this.

It's too bad Jim didn't get nominated but it really seems that it wasn't the Academy members fault so much as it was Universals for not promoting the film better during the nomination process."

Editor's Note - If you'd like to know more about the official rules and guidelines behind the 72nd Academy Awards®, click on the following links:

-- With a big Spank You to Celebgirl3 for allowing us to publish her article.

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