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Late Show with David Letterman
15 Mar 2013    

By Priya Baboota (Web correspondent)

Jim Carrey made an appearence on 'Late Show with David Letterman' on Wednesday, March 13 to promote his movie "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone". He was wearing his gigantic prosthetic feet and small angel wings coat which he wore on Elton John's Oscar Party last month.

Jim signed autographs for his fans before the show began and showed off his big feet to them.

The Incredible Burt Wonderstone

When the show started, he made an enterance wearing those amazing big feet which surprised David Letterman. When he asked Jim the reason for wearing them, he said it shows that he is on an awkward spiritual journey. Jim also showed Letterman how he takes care of his giant feet by giving them pedicure- cleaning the toe nails and biting them which seemed gross according to Letterman.

Jim talked about his character Steve Gray in the movie, his co-stars and how much he enjoyed doing it. In between the interview, he rested his giant feet on Letterman's table which looked hilarious! He also talked about his spiritual thoughts and how he sees every being as divine as they have a very positive aura around their face. He showed an example by calling one cameraman from behind the stage and observed his innocent face and releasing the positive aura around him. He showed the same thing on his face too. But, when he tried to show it on David's face, it was all black and white!

Carrey also showed a clip from "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone". He talked about his tedious diet plan which he had to go through to make those six pack abs in the movie for that coal laying scene. At the end of the interview he metioned that he has done all the stunts in the movie himself.

He did his favourite act of singing and dancing in between the show.

Watch the full clip here:

-- Source: CBS. Click to comment this article.

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