Order Jim Carrey's new book "How Roland Rolls"
17 May 2013 By Tommy Pihl (JCO Editor-In-Chief)
Today it was announched that Jim Carrey's first children's book "How Roland Rolls" will be published on September 24th by Jim Carrey's company Some Kind of Garden Media. If you pre-order the book now you save 10% off the retail price and will receive it in early August, before the official publication date! Go to the books official website and order it, click here. Below is what it is about and a special note to parents from Jim Carrey.
What's it about:
How Roland Rolls is a story about a wave named Roland who's afraid that, one day, when he hits the beach, his life will be over. But when he gets deep, he's struck by the notion that he�s not just a wave - he's the whole big, wide ocean!

A note to parents from Jim Carrey:
Hi, there! Jim Carrey here.
I know you recognize me from a whole raft of fairly wacky movies ... and quite a few pretty serious ones, too. But I'm reaching out to you and your children now for a serious purpose.
As a father and grandfather, I know there's nothing more important in our lives than the well-being and future success of our children and grandchildren. They are, in the most real sense, the future of our society. Indeed, the future of our global community.
When I contemplate their future success, I'm not just thinking about their financial prowess in the world � though there�s certainly a place for that. But rather, their success as human beings -- their ability to experience themselves as loved, loving, compassionate, empowered, and worthwhile. There�s nothing more important than that. Indeed, it's the foundation for all the other successes in life ... the foundation for humanity's success in the world.
How do we help our young people experience that kind of personal success? I believe it's directly connected to the quality of engagement and involvement we have with them. So many children today are suffering from their parents' busy lives, how much time and energy it takes just to provide for the family and keep the household working. Often, the kids are relegated to electronic games, TV, and surfing the Internet �� all poor substitutes for parental involvement.
I wrote How Roland Rolls specifically as a way for parents and grandparents to engage with children in quality together-time. Not only will the message of the story help them feel connected, worthwhile, and a part of something vast and grand ... the very act of you spending time simply to be with them, and only with them, will pay off in an experience of fulfillment that�s truly beyond compare.
I wish you happy reading. And even more importantly... happy together time!
-- Source: Jim Carrey. Click to comment this article.
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