Jim Carrey met Ammachi
26 Jun 2013 By Nicola West (Web correspondent)
Last week Jim Carrey posted this cryptic tweet, together with a photo-
I was feeling down about life'n'love. Then I met a woman named Ammachi and she gave me back my smile. Darkness can not compete with her. ;^)
The background of the picture was the Californian convention for the spiritual guru Ammachi held on June 10-14 in Los Angeles where Ammachi held 2 days of a public programs and a 3 day retreat at the LAX Hilton. Thousands of people attended to hear her blessings and receive her darshan.
Mātā Amṛtānandamayī Devī (born as Sudhamani Idamannel on 27 September 1953), primarily known simply as Amma ["Mother"], is a Hindu spiritual leader and guru, who is revered as a saint by her followers. She is widely respected for her humanitarian activities. She has been described as "The Hugging Saint"

� Jim Carrey
-- Source: Jim Carrey. Click to comment this article.
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