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"Me, Myself and Irene" update
18 Mar 2000    

Just in!! Sean sent us the URL to "Me, Myself and Irene" trailer, featured at IGN Movies. Pick your speed:

(28K, 56K, 1 Mb)       (DSL, T1, 5.8 Mb)

Two very good quality pictures of "Me, Myself and Irene" have been made available by Fox. One of them features newly-weds Charlie and Layla (Traylor Howard) and the already famous, irascible, nunchaku-expert limo driver, played by Tony Cox.

Charlie, Layla and Shonté    Always be polite with an officer

Adding also to the list of the movie's unusual characters, SNL525 told us that Chris Elliot will be playing Whitey, an albino waiter.

Ain't-It-Cool-News posted recently a review of the footage previewed at N.A.T.O. ShoWest and "Irene", along with "X-Men", were the Fox productions which generated the biggest buzz (and ovations) at the event. Jim Carrey and his co-star Ren�e Zellweger attended the preview and luncheon, along with Peter and Bobby Farrelly, the movie's co-writers and directors. Here's a snippet of what Moriarty thought of the over 10 minutes long trailer:

"Jim Carrey looks to be in top form playing both Charlie and Hank, two personalities in one body, both of whom fall for the lovely Renee Zel[l]weger. I've read the script to this film, and it's a million times funnier onscreen. There's a real magic to what the Farrellys are doing these days. The last shot of this reel was a bring-the-house-down hoot in which nice guy Charlie has finally had sex with Irene, and the two of them are lying together. 'So why was he better?' he asks. 'I'm not going to answer that, Charlie,' she responds. He pushes her, though. 'Come on� what was it? Did he do tricks? Did he do something special?' He keeps badgering her until she finally snaps, 'He was bigger, okay?' Charlie thinks about it, tries to make sense of it, finally asks in a small, humbled voice, 'Are you sure?' She nods. 'MUCH bigger.' It's a good thing there wasn't a scene after this� no one would have heard it over the long, extended laughter of the crowd."

Cinescape also commented the footage previewed at ShoWest in the following way: "At one point Car[r]ey's Hank and Charlie characters--who dislike each other intensely--get into a fight resulting in Car[r]ey beating and dragging himself around the scene in a manner that was almost gravity-defying. The audience was nearly rolling in the aisles."

Regarding the movie's running time, during an interview given to a Boston radio station, Bobby Farrelly stated that the movie's first cut ran 150 minutes long but that the studio wanted to shorten it to 110. According to a screening review posted on AICN recently, the movie version tested was already approximately 2 hours long. The results of the screening were also extremely positive, actually rating higher than "There's Something About Mary".

On a scoop sent to Coming Attractions by Corona, the trailer was said to hit US theaters last Friday, March, 17th. (Editor's Note: We still don't have any confirmation on the validity of this info, so if you happened to catch the trailer yesterday, please send us a short review including the audience's reaction.)

-- With a big Spank You to SNL525 for the Chris Elliot casting info. An extra big Spank You to Sean Coon for finding the trailer URL. Images © 20th Century Fox.

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