Kick-Ass 2 Review
24 Aug 2013 By Cotton (Web correspondent)
I went to see "Kick-Ass 2" last weekend. I have never seen the first one cause I am not into action movies but since Jim Carrey is in it I had to see it. I expected Jim's part to be awesome and the rest to be really boring. I was wrong. The whole thing was awesome! There is a lot of laughs and some twists! I thought all the characters were great even if some of the teenagers in it needed a slap on the ass. Jim Carrey is only in it for about 10 minutes all together but his performance is awesome.
I was shocked to see a child behind me about 7 years old watching it with his mom. This is not a movie for kids. There is swears, dirty talk, blood and brief nudity (topless women). If you have a weak stomach you may want to close your eyes during the fighting scenes and the lunch room scene. ;) But anyway for me I only have 3 complaints.
1: Jim Carrey was not in it enough
2: I reached the bottom of the popcorn bag wayyy to soon
3: The seat were uncomfortable and made my butt sore
Otherwise I loved it and not just cause Jim was in it.

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