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Vote Dumb and Dumber To Posters
10 Jan 2015    

By Steven Lombaerts (Web correspondent)

It's that time of the year again; IMPawards, without a doubt the greatest movieposter related site in the universe, gives us the chance to cheer for our favorite posters of 2014. As usual, the categories are showing up with a day (or less) in between. So far, the nominees for TV, Horror, Comedy, Drama, Teaser and Action are up.

"Dumb and Dumber To" showed up in two categories.

The famous teaser poster featuring the orange Lloyd suit made the teaser category. It was doing extremely well, showing up in the top 5 in the first hours. But, as you can see, the poster can use your help, since the competition is strong and the suit is out of the top ten ... for now. Vote here!

Two posters are nominated in the Comedy category. The final one-sheet and the Lloyd version of the LUCY poster. Both are doing very well, still in the top ten. But it wouldn't hurt to get those extra votes it needs to score even better. Vote here!

And finally the Lloyd-version of Lucy got nominated again in the Best Movie Poster Taglines of 2014. Vote here!

Dumb and Dumber To   Dumb and Dumber To   Dumb and Dumber To

-- Source: IMPawards. Click to comment this article.

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