Jim Carrey Visits The Homeboy Industries Again
21 Apr 2015 By Eva Ara�jo (Web correspondent)
In a previously article we told you about, when Jim Carrey visited the Homeboy Industries.
This organization was created by Father Greg, to help boys and girls who have been part of street gangs not only to leave them but also to help them create a new future for themselves.
In 2013 Jim spend the day with these kids and it was an amazing experience for everyone involved.
This year Jim stopped by to show his support for this cause. Here's some pictures of the event:

The world need more selfless people who can help anyone in needs of more than anything, a loving hand. We are glad for Father Greg and the Homeboys Industries for what they do and we are very proud to see Jim supporting them as well. To know more about Homeboy Industries and how you can make a difference and help these kids, please check their website for all the information you'll need:
We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.

-- Source: Homeboy Industries. Click to comment this article.
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