Better U Logo Contest Winner
29 Jun 2015 By Eva Ara�jo (Web correspondent)
In a previous article we announce that the winner for the Better U Foundation Logo Contest was Casey Mclure, but that information has since been corrected by the official Better U Facebook page, when they edited their posts, that say her name is actually Trina Parkin.
Now, two months after becoming the winner, Trina shared her thoughts on Facebook:
"I am so excited to finally announce this! A couple of months ago I entered a logo contest for Jim Carrey's non-profit organization called the Better U Foundation. Jim personally called to congratulate me and inform me that I had been selected as the winner of his contest. This is a photo our photographer took while Jim was on speaker phone with me. The photo in the corner is of me at work taking the call.
Easily one of the top 5 moments of my life."

The fact that Jim call her puts a smile on our faces. That by itself is worth more than any prize.
We have stated before that the logo is amazing and Trina even explain her vision for it in a comment on Facebook:
"The most prominent is the way the white lines intersect with each other, this is meant to represent the rice paddy fields the Better U Foundation works to educate the crop farmers on. The lines are also meant to show distance which represents long term growth and prosperity. The shape of the brand mark represents a globe. I see this foundation growing to change the entire world and wanted the symbol to showcase that. The typography choice was a prerequisite of the Better U Foundation but I feel it helps complement the messages that are being sent with the brand mark."
You don't need to understand design to understand her vision. It makes perfect sense and as we know a logo is meant to represent a brand as acurate an simply as it can. Trina who works at the GigaSavvy company who happens to be the one that created the Better U website back in 2013, definately acomplish that. CONGRATULATIONS!
We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.
-- Source: Better U Foundation. Click to comment this article.
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