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Let The Games Begin!!
23 Sep 2000    

Take a look at what Eric told us about how the Grinch stole the Olympics:

"Have you seen the Grinch ads??

I live here in Toronto, Canada, and I have spotted some pretty cool Grinch ads in the downtown core. They appear to depict the Olympics. I'll do my best to describe them...

1) Seen on a streetcar: The Grinch running the baton race; waiting for his teammates to pass the baton to him.

2) Seen on a garbage [bin?] (I know all the places): Shot of runners legs as they are lined as if about to start a race, the Grinch's leg clearly out of place in the middle. (funny)

3) Seen on a HUGE billboard: The Grinch doing gymnastics, the rings I believe, seems to be in the air doing the splits, with a big grin on his face. (totally cool)

That's all for now, I'm sure more will be popping up as the 'games begin'."

Adding to that, SmilinJackRuby at Fandom also reports on Grinch/Olympics tie-in ads in Los Angeles featuring one of the posters on his editorial, which you can see here.

-- With a big Spank You to Eric for the ads info.

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