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Jim Carrey LA Times Interview part 1
02 Jul 2020    

By Eva Ara�jo (Web correspondent)

With the launch of Jim's book "Memoirs and Misinformation" getting closer another interview has surfaced. This time done by Gleen Whipp for Los Angeles Times.

It's a beautiful interview where Jim tell us again more about this adventure of writing. Check it out here:

What Jim Carrey realized when he thought he had 10 minutes to live

"In Jim Carrey's new semi-autobiographical novel, "Memoirs and Misinformation," there are flying saucers and a fire-bombing on Rodeo Drive, apocalyptic fires devouring Malibu and a mega-budget Hungry Hungry Hippos movie written by Kenneth Lonergan. One moment, "Carrey" dreams of strangling his late mother; the next, he pines for Ren�e Zellweger ("his last great love") and challenges Nicolas Cage, a man "whose artistic bravery had always given him courage," to a jujitsu duel. (Warning: Cage fights dirty.)

Cowritten with novelist Dana Vachon in the third person to capture what Carrey calls the "wholeness that has an infinite knowledge of all of its parts," "Memoirs and Misinformation" is, like the twisted political drawings Carrey posts on Twitter, entirely its own thing. A satire of Hollywood's self-absorption coinciding with the end of the planet, none of it is real ... except when it is. And given the extreme circumstances that have marked Carrey's life, it's sometimes difficult to sort out fact from fiction.

When Sonny Mehta, Alfred A. Knopf's late publisher, bought the book several years ago, he wrote Carrey a note, congratulating him for steering clear of "'There is a town in North Ontario' bull-," referencing the opening line from Neil Young's autobiographical song "Helpless." "Memoirs and Misinformation" is a deconstruction of the standard-issue show biz chronicle. There aren't any fun anecdotes about the making of "Dumb and Dumber" or "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective." Instead, there is a wholly strange work of autofiction, laden with symbolism and metaphor, sometimes beautiful, sometimes tragic, often inscrutable.

In a recent FaceTime call - with Vachon first joining, followed by another good hour one-on-one - Carrey, 58, says he didn't want to write a memoir that dryly catalogued his life. "You can tell a lot about somebody through their fictional choices," he says, with Vachon adding that they wanted to use heightened reality to create a "super-position of truth."

That reality, as you might expect from Carrey's career of infiltrating fiends, clowns and sad men trying to stave off loneliness, naturally tilts toward the surreal - a tone consistent with the experience of speaking with Carrey himself. For instance, when the conversation turns to Las Vegas, a place the book's "Jim Carrey" fears he'll wind up "when he's old, jowly with bleached teeth and hair plugs, whoring for the bingo crowds," Carrey describes his own visits to Sin City in feverish prose that surpasses the book.

"Whenever I go to Vegas, I go crazy," Carrey says. "The only way I can live there is if I put all the faucets on scalding hot so the room becomes some sort of terrarium for tropical plants where literally you can't see out the windows after awhile. They're just bleeding with sweat. It's what I imagine living on Mars is going to be like. 'I don't give a damn how you think you're controlling my environment! I'm going tropical!' I might have to break a window at some point to stick my head out."

"Memoirs and Misinformation," which Carrey describes as "burning myself to the ground and telling you that's not who I was anyway," began its life eight years ago when Vachon walked into Carrey's West Village artist workspace, checked out his paintings and thought, "There's a story here." In one corner, there was a depiction of Malibu engulfed in flames. In another, a self-portrait had been slashed. Vachon told Carrey that the scene reminded him of Aeneas standing in Juno's temple, lamenting the hardships of his life.

Instantly, a friendship was born.

Early in the collaboration, Carrey spilled his life story - his family's financial struggles, his mother's pain-medication addiction, his eight-hour shifts at a tire factory, his father's "sweet, incredible soul," his stand-up days in Toronto and his meteoric rise to fame - so that Vachon could upload those memories before composing the fictionalized "Carrey." They Skyped constantly, Carrey spewing ideas, Vachon struggling to turn them into cohesive prose. That process continued regularly for nearly a decade, ending only in February with a final draft. The book was originally set for a May release with an accompanying promotional tour, but the COVID-19 pandemic scuttled those plans. It's now due July 7.

"We're still not sure it's done," Carrey says, only half-joking. Adds Vachon: "The book is the product of an epic, open conversation. Who spends eight years on a project? To me, that was a gift."

Writing, Carrey says, felt like "somebody opened the doors of an ancient temple for me." What he saw inside - and what he wished to convey - can be glimpsed in the image on the book's cover. The painting, by Carrey, incorporates a photo accidentally taken of him in Maui in 2018 when an early-morning emergency alert warned, by mistake, of an incoming ballistic missile attack.

"My assistant, Linda, called me and said, 'Chief, we have 10 minutes,' and I said, 'What do you mean?' And she said, 'The missiles are coming.' And she was squeezing the phone and accidentally took a screen shot," Carrey says. "That's the cover of the book, my actual face after being told I had 10 minutes to live."

After initially trying to reach his daughter from Maui, Carrey walked outside, sat on the lanai and spent eight minutes going through a "gratitude list." Staggered by the bounty of his life, he reached a state of grace, closed his eyes and waited for the missiles.

"Now, I walk around the world knowing what that is for me, and if that should happen, where my head's going to be," Carrey says haltingly, wiping away tears. "I'll sit and thank God for the blessings in my life. If I was anybody, who was I? And I don't really believe that I'm anybody. I believe there's nothing that isn't you."

Go to part 2.

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