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Jim Carrey at The Daily Show With Trevor Noah
24 Jul 2020    

By Eva Ara�jo (Web correspondent)

We have to say that Jim's book "Memoirs and Misinformation" may be a surprise to read. And some people may need to read it more than once to full see how rich it actually is. But for those you may be expecting a memoir book in the full sense of the word will get disappointed.

On July 22, Jim Carrey was at The Daily Show with Trevor Noah for yet another Zoom interview and even Trevor admitted he was a bit confused when he read it. So, he asked Jim to describe the book:
"Best to approach everything I do as something that could be completely untrue. And yet, there will be parts of it, there will be things in it, that will be absolutely authentic. OK, maybe that's a blanket statement - you should trust me sometimes. But in this case, this was the best way to get my truth out there, and to say everything I needed to say, and do it in a way that is completely entertaining."

The book has a strong theme persona, and all the ways that affect you:
"If it gets big enough, if it gets powerful enough, it's something you have to drag around with you. When you show up, you have to be the socially concerned, politically adept person. You might be happy to be that at certain times, but not all the time."

But the most moving part of this interview is when Trevor Noah asked Jim about why he dedicated the book to his brother. And with love and emotion, Jim said:
"I wanted to let the world know I had a very special brother. And he passed away� last year. He suffered with aplastic anemia his whole life. He was 60 when he passed and he wore it like a champion. Like, this guy never complained. He never said, "Oh, my God, I can't do things because of what I have -or what I'm dealing with."

He was on death's door from the time he was four years old. You know? Until 60. And he raised a beautiful family, and he created gorgeous opportunities and a beautiful aura around him and his family. And he was a very dedicated father. So yeah, and I talk about him in the book, 'cause we went through the hardest times together, the craziest times, where I would walk into the factory, and he'd be beating the crap out of his cleaning machine with a hammer. (laughs) or he'd be up in the security office and he'd be looking at the monitors and he'd suddenly see some lunatic sitting on a two by four in a hook that's going down this giant cable in the ceiling going in front of the security camera like this. *makes a funny face* It would be me...trying to get his attention, because I was working on the factory.

We had the worst and the best of times together. And he's just a beautiful person. (�) He cursed a lot, he cursed a ton. Like, he broke up words with the F-word...syllabically. But, uh, just a sweet, sweet gentleman. Really loved me."

What a beautiful message of love. Watch it here:

We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.

-- Source: The Daily Show With Trevor Noah. Click to comment this article.

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