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What's next for Jim Carrey
12 Aug 2022    

By Tommy Pihl (Editor-in-Chief)

That's the question we all are curious for. Jim Carrey gave some answers for that in the interview with ET this week. We bring the update here.

Jim Carrey told ET back in April that he was hoping to take a step back from Hollywood and do a whole lotta nothing. However, he explained that isn't ready to set anything in stone when it comes to his retirement, and would be open to everything from smaller indie projects to more work in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.

Jim Carrey

"The universe is just multitudinous in its creation, so I want something to surprise me if I am going to do it again," he explained. "I do have a love for the Sonic franchise and for the people involved there...I obviously would consider doing another one if it was right."

"I really just want to be inspired," he added. "When I picked up "The Truman Show" (the script), I went, 'This just must be said'... "Eternal Sunshine", this just has to be done. "Dumb and Dumber" has to be done, you know? It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's a wonderful, inspiring thing to do and create. Then I can have fun."

But nothing has been confirmed that Jim Carrey will be back for the third Sonic movie, but we cross our fingers. Will be exciting what he chooses for future projects.

We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.

-- Source: ET. Click to comment this article.

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