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Covers off for "In Bed with J.C."
01 Apr 2002    

If you read this page and you're wondering, yes, the article below was an April Fool's Day joke. For all those who wrote us lamenting JCO's "shutdown", a world of thanks for the support. It's always good to know we'd be missed. And our apologies for the momentary heart failure. ;-)

Regarding the "'In Bed With JC' series", it is obvious that JCO would never publish anything that would put Mr. Carrey's privacy at risk, and most specially, something of such dubious taste. So rest assured none of it is true.

As for those who will be reading this for the first time, JCO's "kaufmanic" moment of the year follows:

JCO closing down - "Goodbye Series: In Bed with J.C."

by Dana
(JCO Editor)

Well, people, JCO has been out there for quite some time now. We have tried to be as respectful and professional as possible to spread the word and offer high quality information about Jim Carrey. JCO has become one of the biggest Jim Carrey sites on the world wide web. And yet, we have never received any form of feedback from Mr. Carrey. Frankly, we spent countless days and nights to maintain this site and make it as interesting and useful as possible to Jim Carrey fans from all over the globe. None of us has ever been paid. Our staff consists of a group of unselfish Carrey fans from literally all over the world, endlessly researching and gathering information at their own cost for everyone that wants to know more about this very special actor. We are not Mr. Carrey's official web site and will, most likely, never be it. We have decided to end this site before we get bitter. That's why, and we regret to say so, JCO will shut down.

We have thought hard about what we could have done wrong to never receive any form of appreciation. Are we too biased? Rabid? Too friendly, even? Regarded as silly fans who faint when we see the man? Frankly, many have no clue that JCO's staff consists too of people over 30 and even writers with a well-reputed journalistic background. But no one cares. So, before we go, we have decided to finally publish what we have always held back, out of some form of decency and respect, which never paid off.

One of the JCO team is actually someone who once was very close to Mr. Carrey. She will remain anonymous, but is willing to share what many of our visitors would die to know. How is the most private side of Jim Carrey? Well, we know. And we have made a series on it. A insightful and steamy diary of an ex-love of Jim Carrey. And hey, she was working for JCO all the time, no-one knew. The first part of "In Bed with J.C." will be published next week, and 9 parts will follow. And this will be the last thing JCO will ever publish.

We want to thank the source that has decided to come out with the best kept secrets. We also wish to thank you, the readers, for coming here and making this site what it is. A damn fine place to share our admiration for a wonderful actor. We also want to thank Mr. Carrey himself, even if he has never ever come here - we don't know for sure. Thank you all.

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