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Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen
09 Apr 2004    

By BCDavis
(JCO Editor-In-Chief)

Fans� Reviewers� Carreyholics� lend me your ears! I have come not to bury JCO, but to praise it�

Sorry. I wax Shakespearian.

Actually, this is my last article for Jim Carrey Online. I have decided to step down as Editor-in-Chief. I know, I know� Some of you are saying, "Yes!" Some of you are saying, "No!" And some of you don't care either way.

I've been with this site since 1997 - one year after its original inception. That's seven years of Jim Carrey history that's gone by. The very first thing I did when I joined the crew was handle a scary note of warning from Jim's lawyers. (Note: It is NOT wise to put Jim's real house address online with a map for everybody to see. It wasn't my idea in the first place, either.) But I decided to handle it because I was the only American on staff at the time that understood US privacy laws. In the end, the lawyers were very nice to us.

After that, I talked with the editorial staff and decided that publishing rules needed to be established so nothing like that ever happened again. The biggest rule that has always stuck firm is that JCO will not post anything about Jim's personal life. JCO will respect his privacy. JCO will not be a tabloid. Another rule: always give credit where credit is due. Once JCO started following those rules, we got a reputation as a fan site with some integrity. Studios started talking to JCO, we got some interviews with Jim, and we established some wonderful contacts.

When I eventually took the reins two years ago, I had had a few years prior experience working in all aspects of the press field: everything from reporting to ad design to photography to proofing. I decided to apply what I learned to JCO. So, I edited articles according to the AP Style Book. I also decided to edit Spews for content because of one thing: little kids surf onto the site.

Being Editor-in-Chief has been one of the most memorable experiences of my life. I've made some great friends over the 'Net, seen every type of Carrey fan out there (from the ones who just want to say how much they like his movies to the ones who want to have his children), and had a lot of fun.

I know I haven't been the most popular E-i-C of JCO, but I didn't take the job to be the most popular; I took it to make sure JCO was the best Jim Carrey site for Carreyholics on the 'Net period - a site Jim could be proud of.

But, time marches on, and so must I. My hat's off to one of the finest Website Crews out there. It's been a pleasure working with you. All you Carreyholics out there, please welcome your new Jim Carrey Online Editor-in-Chief, Tommy Pihl. Tommy, please take the reins and Carrey on!

-- With thanks to The JCO Crew and all you Carreyholics out there. Click to comment this article.

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