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You are here: Home > Recent > News > The Rumor Mill: Episode 127 and counting
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The Rumor Mill: Episode 127 and counting
29 Apr 1999    

by BCDavis

JCO - A wild rumor, along with various versions, has hit the media recently. Originally limited to the Internet, it has now crossed over into other media forms including radio broadcasts.

The rumor's original form stated that Jim Carrey had died of a drug overdose during a plane flight. One of the rumor variants now circulating is that Carrey has relegated himself to his home to battle a drug addiction. Both rumors have rattled Carreyholics worldwide.

Carrey's official PR told JCO that the rumors are "totally false." She also stated that Carrey is currently preparing for both his upcoming roles. The first as a Rhode Island state trooper with MPD who fights with his other personality over the same woman for a comedy entitled "Me, Myself and Irene". The second as the Grinch in the live-action film adaptation of Dr. Suess' classic story "How the Grinch Stole Christmas".

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