MTV Movie Awards
10 Jun 2006 By Nicola West (Web Correspondent)
All things come to those who wait and finally the UK was treated to their screening of the MTV Movies Awards 2006, filmed on June 3rd at Sony Studios in Culver City and televised in the US on Thursday 8th.
Aside from the usual mix of awards, oddballs and Hollywoods great and good, the main attraction for JCO was the presentation of the Generation Award, presented to non other than Jim Carrey himself.
Introduced by his friend Will Ferrell, the audience were treated to an assortment of clips before the main act began and paying tribute to Jim he reminded the audience, that "while he (Jim) bent over and talked out of his own ass he made damned sure we never forgot what he had to say.
And boy, what an entrance Jim made...
Dressed in white, topped off with a long white tailcoat, he arrived followed en mass by a posse of angels who were complete with feathered wings and shades and he shook hands with fans alongside the stage. He proceeded to compliment and thank Will Ferrell, offerred to paint him and then entertained the audience with his 'geniltania' dance, a comedic little jig.

© AP Photo/Chris Carlson
Moving onto his acceptance speech he continued with the 'tongue in cheek' theme and as he picked up the "silver bucket of excellence" lifetime achievement award he delared "Why do so many struggle with fame when I am able to float effortlessly on the upper edges of the statusphere.
Pointing out he'd made up the word 'Statusphere' he reflected upon how blessed he feels and how he feels spiritually as though he's never alone.
Then, to estatic aplause he exited the stage holding Wills hand...
Behind the scenes, as he was being interviewed by various publications, he did not forget putting in a good word for fellow actor Tom Cruise, and he pointed out that only Tom Cruise had received the top lifetime achievement honour in the past. Standing up for his friend he then went onto say: "I like Tom Cruise; there's a lot of Cruise bashing going on, but I'm not one of those guys. I think he's pretty cool... Leave him alone".
And when Kevinn Frazier interviewed him for ET Jim summed up the awards by saying: "It's always a blast, I like coming down to MTV, hanging out with a lot of young people and going nuts. It's a great, great energy."
As always Jim entertained the crowd and gave a performance worthy of the man who has to date 'more popcorn awards than anyone else on the planet.'
-- Source: MTV Movies Awards 2006. Click to comment this article.
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