The last time he had a hit was 'Yes Man'? I can understand what you mean. But that's not right, well, not exactly.
In fact, both 'Dumb & Dumber To' and 'Mr. Popper's Penguins' were more profitable than 'Yes Man', because these movies had a lower budget.
When we follow the rules of Box Office Mojo, this is the estimated profit for the following movies :
Yes Man : 13 M
Mr. Popper's Penguins : 22 M
Dumb & Dumber To : 49 M
So, even when 'Yes Man' was the bigger hit, the budget (excl. promotion costs) was almost the double of 'Dumb and Dumber To'. In the end, Dumb & Dumber To is the one that brought home the most money. And that's what the studio's care for. How much profit they got out of it.
But again, I know what you mean. 'Dumb and Dumber To' didn't do what was expected. The opening was a succes, but the drop was huge. And 'Yes Man' was the last time he almost made the 100 M.
I don't expect 'True Crimes' or 'The Bad Batch' to be box office hits, not at all. But these are very good for his career, as an actor. He needs these challenging roles, imo. When they are a succes (don't mean financially) and he's praised for the performances, that's more important than the numbers, cause his credit as a talent goes up.
And so I hope he's very carefully in choosing his next roles. Make a smart move, my man.

He needs a new 'Truman Show', a movie that challenges him as an actor, makes use of his natural flow and is both a critical and financial success. That would be the best. 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty' with Steven Spielberg would have been a good candidate. I hope he gets something good in his hands, with the right people. And after that, he can return to a comedy, people will be more exited to see him back being the face-man after that.
At least, I hope.

Still crossing my fingers for the final return of Ace Ventura ! :p