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"The Bad Batch" Track Revealed

Discuss this movie. In theaters on June 23, 2017
Filming: April 12, 2015 - May 24, 2015

"The Bad Batch" Track Revealed

Postby tlmarvin » Thu Apr 28, 2016 1:14 pm

Thursday, April 28, 2016--7:10 am CST


I wonder if "The Bad Batch" has gotten a distributor yet? I read that the Cannes Film Festival was disappointing. Is the movie gonna be released?
I also read that someone is gonna do the soundtrack for "True Crimes".


Terry Marvin (Dallas, Texas)

P.S. I hope "The Bad Batch" get released as well as "True Crimes".
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Re: "The Bad Batch" Track Revealed

Postby EvaAraujo » Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:12 pm

tlmarvin wrote:Thursday, April 28, 2016--7:10 am CST


I wonder if "The Bad Batch" has gotten a distributor yet? I read that the Cannes Film Festival was disappointing. Is the movie gonna be released?
I also read that someone is gonna do the soundtrack for "True Crimes".


Terry Marvin (Dallas, Texas)

P.S. I hope "The Bad Batch" get released as well as "True Crimes".

That we know so far, no it doesn't have a distributor yet.
There's more festival so we are hopeful one of them may show the movie but so far the info is very little.
But don't worry Terry, as soon as does news come we will update everyone!
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Re: "The Bad Batch" Track Revealed

Postby tlmarvin » Fri Apr 29, 2016 12:30 am

Thursday, April 28, 2016--6:28 pm CST

Thank you for telling me. I can't wait until the first trailer comes out?


Terry Marvin (Dallas, Texas)

P.S. I wasn't worried. Just curious. Thanks again.
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Re: "The Bad Batch" Track Revealed

Postby EvaAraujo » Sun May 01, 2016 5:21 am

tlmarvin wrote:Thursday, April 28, 2016--6:28 pm CST

Thank you for telling me. I can't wait until the first trailer comes out?


Terry Marvin (Dallas, Texas)

P.S. I wasn't worried. Just curious. Thanks again.

Yeah me too! It will be awesome!

Yes I know. Curious is better than worry. ^^
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