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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Yuk Yuks hosts benefit for Wayne Flemming
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Yuk Yuks hosts benefit for Wayne Flemming
11 Mar 2000    

If you live in Canada and will be in Toronto on March 14th, Ajax on March 15th, or Hamilton on March 16th, drop by Yuk Yuks because they are hosting three shows on behalf of long time Jim Carrey friend, Wayne Flemming. Flemming suffered a brain hemorrhage about a month ago and although having been diagnosed clinically dead at the time of the incident, seems to be now in a good recovery path. Apparently he hasn't lost any of his sense of humor, as it is well documented in a recent interview given to The Toronto Sun. "I have a ways to go, but all the things I've been paranoid about, my motor skills and everything, they'll all come back. I'm having a hard time remembering my act, but I was overdue to write some new material anyway."

The incident raised waves of support from many of his colleagues who have decided along with Yuk Yuks to throw three benefit shows for Flemming. Jim Carrey, who stopped production on "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and flew to Kingston when he learned about Flemming's critical condition, is matching all of the proceeds from the benefits.

Below are the shows' schedule and its participants:

  • Tuesday 14th, at Yuk Yuks Toronto Superclub. Featuring Orson Payne, David Merry, Martha Chavez, Gardhouse, Wade McIlwane, Ronnie Edwards and Carla Collins.

  • Wednesday 15th, in Ajax. Featuring Paul Smith, Martina, Evan Carter, Kerry Talmage, Derek Edwards, Lou Eisen, Glen Ottway, Winston Spear, Jean Paul, Mike Wilmot and Frenchie McFarlane.

  • Thursday 16th, in Hamilton. Featuring Darren Frost, Stan Thompson, Steve Cox, Donnie Coy, Mark Walker, Chris Quigley, Jason Rouse and more.

-- With a big Spank You to Evan Adelman at Yuk Yuks for the shows' schedule.

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