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Jim Carrey fans Rally
11 Mar 2000    

Marissa at Jim Carrey is My Inspiration!, along with Paige have put together a rally to protest against the encore no-nomination for Jim Carrey by AMPAS. Here's the result of their efforts:

"Dear Jim Carrey Online,

What you are about to read is a letter that was formed to bring more attention to this Oscar dilemma. This letter was originally written to be sent just to the Academy. However, we have also been sending it to entertainment magazines, newspapers, and shows. We recently received a response from John Pavlik, Director of Communications at the Academy. If you go to my site: www.angelfire.com/ms2/jimcarreyrocks you can view the letter from the Academy. Below is the letter we have been sending.

'To Whom It May Concern,

Considering the fact that you have probably heard so many opintions on this subject, we are here to assure you that we are not here to cause problems nor are we going to behave like irrate fans. We are simply the public reacting to a situation that we would like to speak about.

On February 15, 2000, disbelief, disappointment, and anger were shared by journalists, critics, and movie fans alike. That day marked the second consecutive year that Jim Carrey's talent was overlooked for an Oscar nomination for what was overwhelingly considered to be a flawless and mesmerizing performance. His interpretation and portrayl of Andy Kaufman was so brilliant and convincing, that audiences left the theaters spellbound and beleiving that they had, in fact, been watching Kaufman himself. As a show of support to Jim Carrey, his fans have banded together to express their feelings on the grievous oversight of one of the most talented, dedicated, and versatile actors to grace the big screen. The following emails sent after this one will contain messages and quotes that we have narrowed down in hopes that you will read them.

Our time and dedication to this project has been quite extensive. Hoping that our efforts pay off, please read our rally page emails and let our people finally have the answers to their questions. It seems the main question on everyone's mind is: Why?

We sincerely thank you for taking the time to read this letter and for listening to what we had to say. Please let our rally members be heard also.

Thank you once again.

[email protected]
[email protected]'

So that was our opening letter. After that, we sent all of the quotes that people had submitted at my site and then a closing letter. There were about 30-35 quotes total.

Thank you to all that made this rally possible."

-- With a big Spank You to Marissa for the rally info.

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